Saturday, November 30, 2013

Chapter 12 : Corporate Culture and Leadership

Corporate culture refers to the shared values, ingrained attitudes,core beliefs and compant traditions that determine norms of behavior,accepted work practices and styles of operating.

What I can conclude from this topic are:
      If i am one of the top managers,the values that i would like to inculcate to my organization are create a happier workplace and get employee involved through interaction.The employee should be encouraged to discuss,argue and participate in reviewing the work culture.Hearing employee opinions and interacting with them will make sure that they are remain committed to the purpose of sustaining the work culture.Such employee are more like to ensure that their colleagues to understand the importance of the issue.

     Secondly,i would like to emphasize the Islamic value in their self.Always remembered and motivate them that our work is one part of 'fardhu kifayah' and honest during do a work and InsyaAllah it will rewarded in hereafter.Even,we are busy doing work,always remembered each other for not forget to our main obligation as a Muslim.Besides that,emphasize Islamic ethics as a Muslim worker,such as good dressing,attitude and etc.Do not forget that in our organization,we also have an employee with a different race,so treat them fairly.

    Have a good relationship between employer and employee.As a top managers,we need to treat our employee like our family and no differentiation each other because we work under one roof.Everybody are same either employer and employee because our mission is to gain more profit and sustain the business.So,they are complementary each other to achieve the mission.The employer need employee to gain profit and the employee need an employer to pay their salary(everything are money)hehehe....

    Last but not least,provide rewards to them.It can be use for making work culture more be fun and passionate at work.The employee will do the best performance as the can to make sure they will be rewarded.Automatically,they will feel that their work has been appreciate.That's all from me..

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 8 : Corporate Strategy

Today I would like to explain  what I have learned in lecture for this week.In this chapter,we have learned about a corporate strategy.What is it?
Corporate strategy can be refer to related and unrelated business.The top management was responsible to do corporate level strategy .To entry into new business can take any of three forms either acquisition, internal startup or joint venture.

Related businesses :possess competitively valuable cross-business value chain and resource matchups.
Unrelated businesses : have dissimilar value chains and resource requirements,with no competitively important cross-business relationships at the value chain level.

There have 6 step process to analyze how good a company diversifications:
  • Evaluate the long term attractiveness of the industries into which the firm has diversified.
  • Evaluate the relative competitive strength of each of business units.
  • Check for cross-business strategic fit
  • Check whether the firm resources fit the resource requirements of its present business lineup
  • Rank the performances prospects of the business from best to worst and determine what corporate parents priority should be allocating resources to its various businesses.
  • Crafting new strategic moves to improve overall corporate performance.

Chapter 7: Strategies For Competing In International Markets

In my opinion if we want to expand our companies,we need to brave to compete each other either in the local markets or international market.So,we need to plan a strategies to enter it. For this chapter i would like shares about what have i learned.

The reasons companies choose to compete in international markets are:
  • To gain access to new customers
  • To achieve lower costs through economies of scale,experience and increase purchasing power
  • To further exploit its core competencies
  • To gain access to resources and capabilities located in foreign markets
  • To spread its business risk across a wider market base
 There have 5 strategic options for entering foreign market:
  • Maintain a national (one country)production base and export goods to foreign markets
  • License foreign firms to produce and distribute the company products abroad
  • Employ a franchising strategy
  • Establish a subsidiary in a foreign market
  • Rely on strategic alliances or joint ventures with foreign companies
A company must choose among three alternative approaches for competiting internationally

  1. A multidomestic strategy or think –local
  2.  A global strategy
  3.  A combination think –global,act –local approach 
that's all from me,tq
Chapter 6: Strengthening a company’s competitive position

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I learned from this chapter is to improve the market position and business performance,the company must to go on the offensive.Strategies offensive should be grounded in a company’s strategic asset and employ a company strength to attacks rivals in the competitive areas.
Company have a  number of offensive strategy options for improving their market positions by using a cost based advantage to attack competitors on basis of price or value,leapfrogging competitors with next generation technologies,pursuing continuous product innovation,adopting and improving the best ideas of other and ect.
The purpose of defensive strategies are :
  • to lower the risk of being attacked
  • weaken the impact of any attack that occurs
  • influence challengers to aim their effort
Strategic alliances and cooperative partnerships provide one way to gain some of the benefits offered by vertical integration,outsourcing,and horizontal mergers and acquisition while minimize the problems.
Thats all from me.TQ

Monday, November 18, 2013

Sharing Session : O-SHIMA RESTAURANT

On 12 Nov ago, I would like to share to u all of what I get during sharing session  with Pn Asnidar Hanim Yusuf,who are the founders of Japanese restaurant,O-SHIMA Restaurant .When I heard the name of this restaurant,I think maybe the owner is Japanese people but I am wrong.The owner of this restaurant is Muslim and the food provided are totally  100 % halal.Main dishes of their restaurant is Japanese food
O-SHIMA restaurant is located in Shah Alam and started on year 2009.

From this session,what I can conclude is every kind of business that we have run there have a lot of challenge and obstacle that  we will face, but there always have a solution to overcome  the problem and sustain the business.The most important thing is always being positive and ikhlas Lillahi Taala when do something


Assalamualaikum all,now I would like share about what I learn in chapter 5 (five generic competitive strategies).Actually there have 5 generic competitive strategies:

*     A low cost provider strategy
*      A broad differentiation strategy
*      A focused low –cost strategy
*      A focused differentiation strategy
*      A best – cost provider strategy

To be continued…..