Thursday, November 21, 2013

Chapter 6: Strengthening a company’s competitive position

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

What I learned from this chapter is to improve the market position and business performance,the company must to go on the offensive.Strategies offensive should be grounded in a company’s strategic asset and employ a company strength to attacks rivals in the competitive areas.
Company have a  number of offensive strategy options for improving their market positions by using a cost based advantage to attack competitors on basis of price or value,leapfrogging competitors with next generation technologies,pursuing continuous product innovation,adopting and improving the best ideas of other and ect.
The purpose of defensive strategies are :
  • to lower the risk of being attacked
  • weaken the impact of any attack that occurs
  • influence challengers to aim their effort
Strategic alliances and cooperative partnerships provide one way to gain some of the benefits offered by vertical integration,outsourcing,and horizontal mergers and acquisition while minimize the problems.
Thats all from me.TQ

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